Genre: Drama, Medical
The drama's full title is "Code Blue: Doctor Heli Kinkyu Kyumei." The concept is based on Japan's proposal for an emergency medical service using helicopters to quickly reach those in need. A special bill was passed in June 2007 that should foster widespread adoption of the system. Yamashita Tomohisa, Aragaki Yui, Toda Erika and Asari Yosuke, star as young doctors-in-training, working under the guidance of an experienced "flight doctor" (Toshiro Yanagiba). Some scenes will be filmed with a real helicopter, adding to the show's tension. Credits: tokyograph
My Progress: I wasn't really keen on watching this one due to my feelings of how Yamashita-san and Aragaki-san acts. But hey, I'm watching it! And oddly, they might have excelled in acting for this one. I am yet to see how this one goes, but it looks very promising. And with all the medical jargon they are saying, I'm glad I understand most of them...hehehe... yay!
Genre: Drama, Medical
The drama's full title is "Code Blue: Doctor Heli Kinkyu Kyumei." The concept is based on Japan's proposal for an emergency medical service using helicopters to quickly reach those in need. A special bill was passed in June 2007 that should foster widespread adoption of the system. Yamashita Tomohisa, Aragaki Yui, Toda Erika and Asari Yosuke, star as young doctors-in-training, working under the guidance of an experienced "flight doctor" (Toshiro Yanagiba). Some scenes will be filmed with a real helicopter, adding to the show's tension. Credits: tokyograph
My Progress: I wasn't really keen on watching this one due to my feelings of how Yamashita-san and Aragaki-san acts. But hey, I'm watching it! And oddly, they might have excelled in acting for this one. I am yet to see how this one goes, but it looks very promising. And with all the medical jargon they are saying, I'm glad I understand most of them...hehehe... yay!
yes, i'm also watching this now. despite some misgivings before the show started. and yes, i must agree with you. surprisingly, yui and yamapi seem to quite do well here. even the ending song is quite catchy. i like the character of the goofy guy (the clumsy one with the glasses). i just forgot the actor's name. so far, so good.
Konnichiwa Shizuka-San! Hey you haven't posted anything new for a month now. But yea how has Code Blue progressed? Another friend of mine recommended it to me. Is it worth watching?
Makino-san! I know! School just takes over everything!! But wait, I'm adding one right now!!...teehee!... Try Code Blue, it's very medical and interesting too... and Yamashita-san is in it...>_<
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